The author of six books, including short stories as well as political tracts, Mr. Adams has a gift for evoking childhood.
Ms. Wilkes will perform "Gasp," a haunting, quietly surrealistic solo that evokes childhood through a minor bicycle accident in words and movement.
The group also evokes childhood in suburbia; part of the set was a family slide show with a taped narration by Mr. Hosler's mother.
Preferably solace would come from some apocryphal chips from my youth, able to evoke lost childhood in a single, salty bite.
But Mrs. Moore holds that meatloaf approaches gastronomic nirvana - and not just because it evokes childhood.
All three did a good job of evoking childhood, even Mr. Webb, playing a character in his 20s with the puppylike mien of a much younger person.
One of the moving things about your book is the way it evokes childhood and the pleasures and pains of being smart, energetic, curious, and difficult-more than grownups can handle.
"CHRISTIAN BOLTANSKI" Somber installations evoking childhood and memory, including works from the 1980's and 1990's.