You'll definitely get propositioned for exchanging dollars to bolivares at the airport - be wary!
It is a good idea before leaving for all travelers to exchange dollars for some currency of the first country they will visit.
This means that foreigners are increasingly exchanging dollars for those nations' local currencies.
The traders in Moscow's private central market also refused to take old notes, though some were happy to exchange dollars for new notes.
The net effect of strategy 2 is to exchange dollars for 1 at the end of the year.
At this rate, foreign governments and central banks were able to exchange dollars for gold.
Exchange houses are no longer allowed to exchange dollars for checks or credit card payments.
Currency exchange bureaux are no longer able to exchange dollars or receive transactions on your behalf.
However, tourists and Cubans exchanging dollars will still have to pay a 10% commission.
Or can you exchange more dollars here and there as you travel?