The reason why populations can be sustainable harvested is that they exhibit a density-dependent response.
As previously mentioned, N400 amplitude is also reduced by repetition, such that a word's second presentation exhibits a more positive response when repeated in context.
This pure formulation may reduce side effects, but certain individuals exhibit a better clinical response to the mixed isomer preparation.
Four (36%) of these 11 patients exhibited a response.
H1 exhibits a response to the stimulation of a single ommatidium, and can discriminate between translational motion of 2-3˚ in the visual field.
He might be a mugger, a voyeur, a flasher or a rapist and still exhibit a similar response.
A new type of nonlinear metamaterials, is proposed and designed, exhibiting a resonant electric response at microwave frequencies.
When a material exhibits a linear response it is categorized as a Newtonian material.
If the material exhibits a non-linear response to the strain rate, it is categorized as Non-Newtonian fluid.
Juvenile and adult prairie voles exhibit a similar response to male stimuli.