Business Truth has assembled a panel of experts drawn from a number of business sectors who have experience of leading and growing businesses.
It was called the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee, a secret body of experts drawn from across the federal government.
Each potential donation to the Complex is approved by a committee of experts drawn from various heritage backgrounds.
It is also supported by an advisory group of experts drawn from organisations that work with young people.
The confidential reports, prepared by independent experts drawn from both developing and donor nations, were delivered to Mr. Saouma and member governments last month.
More than 2,000 experts drawn from ICC's member companies feed their knowledge and experience into crafting the ICC stance on specific business issues.
These are based on the views of a panel of experts, perhaps drawn both from inside and outside of the ranks of the organisation.
Give pre-final and final year students projects under the supervision of experts drawn mainly from the industry.
That committee is made up of 16 experts drawn from most of the Member States and is chaired by a fellow countryman of yours.
Each article on the Raising Children website is reviewed by two independent experts, drawn from a panel of over 100 subject matter experts - effective peer review.