But, as with all Spanish officials, he took his job with extreme seriousness.
The Vatican has called the cables' descriptions of its internal affairs as a matter of "extreme seriousness."
This man Blanquet was a man of extreme seriousness and furthermore very devout.
Mack Bolan would take an even unsubstantiated idea from those two men with extreme seriousness.
Mom doesn't know and I hope never will know that two of her sons were involved in a criminal action of extreme seriousness.
With Hegel, philosophy becomes a matter of extreme seriousness, so we'd best get any jokes out of the way right at the start.
The extreme seriousness of the matter was now obvious even to me.
Under these conditions, Japan must now deal with a nuclear accident of extreme seriousness.
Those are things against which we must caution one another with extreme seriousness.
That is why it must be approached with extreme seriousness.