So how could she escape, if Thyzzea and her family would be punished for it?
Not an issue - while many families are punished by the tax code just for being families.
And human rights groups say that the families of defectors are often severely punished.
Yes, with such examples in hand, Mailer can decide that he and his family have been punished evenhandedly.
The families and officials who didn't stop this should be punished.
How much longer will children and their families be punished for seeking safety from persecution?
Under the existing welfare program, intact families are punished by the system, and the government takes the place of the father.
She said the young defendant's family was never punished or reprimanded for allowing a child to have access to a gun in the home.
It was not possible to go back to Aweil because the family was punished by both sides in the war, she said.
"My family was punished and sent to a concentration camp for 13 years," he wrote in one document.