They designed nuclear engines that use reactors to heat liquid hydrogen into a fast-moving stream of gas.
And woven into the fast-moving psychedelic stream of action were the prophetic, holy, challenging words.
The tail helps them to live in fast-moving streams.
The river Main in its natural state is a fast-moving stream unsuitable for shipping.
They are often found in fast-moving streams with large boulders, gravel, cobbles, and sand.
The result is a thin, but fast-moving, stream of liquid.
Salmon lay their eggs in the gravel bed of fast-moving streams or rivers.
At low revolutions, air is drawn through gates to create a fast-moving, pulsating stream.
During its early years in shallow, fast-moving streams it can fall prey to piscivorous species.
There was also a fast-moving stream nearby that afforded us fresh water.