Fearing protests in their districts, Council members voted last week to block the move.
The junta delayed the arrival of his remains to Corfu for four months, fearing public reaction and protests.
Yet human rights advocates say the Beijing authorities, fearing embarrassing protests, have been blocking protesters from reaching the delegates.
Residents said all was quiet despite the security measures taken by police, who feared protests, to protect the courthouse and other areas of the capital, Port Moresby.
The Armenian producers were hiding the fact that the show was originally a Turkish production, fearing protests from the Armenian audience.
Shooting was kept a secret as Mehta feared protests by Islamic fundamentalist groups.
For years, the Communist Party has awaited Mr. Zhao's death with trepidation, fearing protests or riots.
Or teachers themselves avoid the topic, fearing protests from fundamentalists in their communities.
Even if Parliament approved the wedding, the government feared violent protests on the wedding day.
And, for those doctors who fear protests from his group, "you're right," he said.