Beautiful girls feature large in Ogri's world, although not such as to detract from the main themes of bikes and biking.
It features large, many paned stained glass windows with semi-circular arches in the gable ends.
This makes the Saudi monarchy quite distinct from Western monarchies, which usually feature large, clearly defined royal families and orders of succession.
The house features large overhanging eaves and a low hipped roof.
In the early postwar years, tennis continued to feature large in his life.
Oil, gold, diamonds and timber have always featured large in African wealth as well as in conflict.
Hill 112 was without a doubt the 'key to Normandy' and featured large in both sides' strategic-level plans.
The R17 also features large, rounded rectangle windows on its side doors, similar to those found on nearly every car in today's subway system.
The New Railway Station currently features large waiting areas, a central hall, cafes, restaurants and a shopping center.
Mobile games have always featured very large in i-Free's product portfolio.