Like the P22, the PK380 features a slide-mounted, ambidextrous manual hammer-block, non-decocking safety and an external hammer.
The Honda Pilot is powered by a 397cc two-stroke, single-cylinder engine and features a full roll cage and four-point safety harness.
It heralded the first ever diesel-powered Škoda, and became their first car to feature major safety and convenience features.
The new psychiatry unit featured improved safety and security features for patients and employees, and included a new eating area, therapy facilities, video monitoring, outside patio, patient lounge, and an isolation room.
To ensure absolute operational safety the extension mechanism also features self-locking safety latches.
In common with other car manufacturers, the early 1990s saw Vauxhall featuring safety as a selling point, and beginning to incorporate many new safety features into cheaper family cars that were previously only found on expensive luxury saloons.
A growing number of experienced storm chasers advocate the adoption of a code of ethics in storm chasing featuring safety, courtesy, and objectivity as the backbone.
It also features a slightly reshaped grip and safety, a "weaker" recoil spring for easier loading, and fiber optic front sight and tactical "Novak style" rear sight. also features safety related printable coloring pages.