When kept in captivity, they are fed mice, rats, rabbits, chickens and chicks depending on the size and age of the individual.
No harm in feeding 'em dead rats from the rat pits.
Captive specimens are normally fed live or frozen rats.
The proliferative zone, however, was expanded in the distal colon of the higher fibre diet fed rats.
Other teachers feed live rats and mice to pet snakes.
They're a health hazard, and people who feed squirrels here also feed rats.
It is generally known that all of the Boa constrictor subspecies be fed rats, as an alternative to mice for healthier growth.
The alligator was fed rats, mice and chopped meat.
In captivity, they are fed mice and rats, and as adults can be fed rabbits, quails and small chickens.
"We're not talking about feeding rats, or even humans, with huge quantities of fluoride," she said.