I felt almost envious, seeing the two of them together that way.
They walked back through the valley between cones, and Matt suddenly felt envious of people who could sleep a long time.
She felt a little envious, for she had no such bosom friend.
Peterkin did feel envious then, and often said he would give anything to be able to do that.
She need not have felt envious, for Kitty was far from happy.
I smiled and nodded but actually felt envious of their long relationship, even if it was based more on friction than harmony.
I had no reason to feel envious, yet I couldn't laugh along with them.
Every now and again, I look at the work of other scientists and feel envious.
There's so much glamorous high-tech equipment that even professionals in the business may feel envious.
Watching my copy go, I felt a little envious .