In August 1973, Marshall Cogan left the firm after disputes with his fellow partners to focus on leveraged buyouts.
However, there would be little substantive difference if English law was amended: partners will bind the partnership rather than their fellow partners individually.
Unlike his fellow limited partners, for example, he can't even sit in the owner's box at Yankee Stadium.
Partners may withdraw such funds as they may have agreed with their fellow partners to withdraw.
The resolution states that the arbitration request was a "scheme" by the consultants "to avoid all duties and obligations they owe to their fellow partners."
So did Nederlander when he was elected by his fellow limited partners on Aug. 15, 1990.
I would be glad to receive some instructions from my fellow partner.
He was occasionally forced to put on a tie and meet a client or attend some hideous conference with his fellow partners.
Not even his fellow partners.
The characterization was so consistent and in such stark contrast to the notes taken on white job applicants that he mentioned it to his fellow partners.