Mature female white dolphins can give birth every three years and the parental care will last until their offspring can find food themselves.
Hose-nose was swimming around the big female dolphin, pushing Sarah away from her mother.
Hana is an approximately 18 year old female dolphin at the Aquarium.
Helen is an approximately 24 year old female dolphin at the Aquarium.
"Records state that the Bahrain brought fifteen female dolphins and nine males," Nev said suddenly.
The female dolphins were taking turns feeding the infant, and Zelana noticed that the child seemed to be very affectionate.
Soon he joined the aquarium's two female dolphins where he learned by watching them.
There he met a female dolphin called Clown and formed a close bond with her.
Dr. Pabst, the team's lone woman, began thinking hard and reading about female dolphins.
The female dolphin was much more physically affectionate than Pete.