With this strategy they financed numerous groups while attempting to destabilize the capitalist economy.
Increasingly, he said, Western donors are financing local groups directly, instead of going through international structures.
Several hundred independent vendors around the country make a living selling peace products, suppliers said, but most vendors sell to finance political or environmental groups.
Gaddafi financed various other groups from anti-nuclear movements to Australian trade unions.
His administration promoted and financed groups from visual artists to a troupe of mimes.
"A man like Dominique could be using hundreds if not thousands of banks to finance groups like that the world over."
About $15 million of the $50 million in new grants is earmarked for efforts to strengthen foundations that help finance civic groups.
The Agency for International Development is increasingly financing groups promoting abstinence.
We have financed groups with different viewpoints on drug issues so as to promote a debate.
In turn, the League would finance other groups with openly more extreme agendas.