Those include requirements for plumbing, light, heat and ventilation and fire systems.
The 22 rides, the fire system for concession stands, the arcade and the games all have to be licensed.
To meet the requirements for the fire system to pass the acceptance test, large scale reconstruction work might be needed.
Anyone who knew how the fire system worked could've done it; anybody who had an engineer to explain the little flaws, that is.
The powerful fire extinguishing system was installed during the reconstruction of the tunnel.
The spray of the fire system was shooting two hundred feet in the air.
The engine compartment has its own fire extinguishing system.
Through the guide, visitors learned about the different advantages and features of the house including the security and fire systems.
Alternatives to Halon 1301 in fire extinguishing systems are being deployed.
And off she went, up to the bridge to plug herself into the fire systems.