We got confirmation on Hammond from a reliable, firsthand source.
In addition to learning the Balanchine repertory from firsthand sources, both the students and professional dancers work with invited choreographers on entirely new pieces.
Evidence is drawn from friendly firsthand sources, unfriendly firsthand sources, material artifacts, and parallels in ideas.
(Due to lack of firsthand sources, reconstruction of pre-Christian Slavic mythos is based on this and similar late works.)
Not the only firsthand source I've seen say the units they saw (and this is pretty close to release) have laggy UI.
Yet what the authors lack in firsthand sources they compensate for with attitude.
As that may indicate, some firsthand sources used in "Lone Star Nation" are considerably more florid and genteel than the usual stuff of Texas folklore.
It's worth noting that Mr. Larson insisted on doing research by himself, only with firsthand sources.
But I can't use anything you tell me until it's confirmed by another firsthand source.
The women's updates ensured that the West's 24-hour news cycle always had firsthand sources.