It is hard to imagine how this gesture might have flowed naturally from even the most flirtatious conversation.
Diane, who had followed him in her sports car, enters and strikes up a flirtatious conversation with him.
Later, Ady is standing in a park where she changes her appearance and starts a flirtatious conversation with a passing jogger.
The characters engage in a long, flirtatious conversation throughout the train ride.
Was this flirtatious conversation for its own sake?
Hostesses light cigarettes, pour drinks, offer flirtatious conversation, and sing karaoke to entertain customers.
Usually, it was just dinner or drinks and enough flirtatious conversation to loosen the inhibitions before the good part.
Paul overhears their flirtatious conversation, but pretends to be asleep.
Matt strikes up a flirtatious conversation with Polly, but she suddenly loses interest.
After the movie they return to Ely's place and, after some flirtatious conversation, they kiss.