The winds destroyed a few houses, forcing residents to evacuate to a local school.
Business leaders associated with the two large developments have been criticized for forcing low-income residents from the area in search of less expensive housing.
Several days of fighting around the area has forced residents to flee, seeking safety in Aden.
The military imposed a curfew on the center immediately after the incident, forcing residents to stay home.
The water knocked out electrical power, forcing residents to move in with friends and relatives.
Roughly 95 percent of the island's structure were destroyed, forcing residents to cling to trees for survival.
Heavy rain in November 2000 also forced nearby residents from flooded homes.
Plywood sold out, forcing residents to do the best they could to protect their windows with tape.
He favored expanding the existing airport by forcing local residents to move.
But within 10 years, those wells also went salty, forcing residents to move inland once again.