The bogs have been in the main part destroyed by forestry development and commercial peat cutting for horticulture.
However, Interhill claims to be involved in sustainable forestry development.
He had even written a book about forestry developments on Vancouver Island and the Charlottes.
And that, therefore, forestry development, looking toward the production of cellulose, was the only solution, if it was carried out on a large scale.
As a consequence of the practiced clear-felling, extensive deforestation resulted which could "be replaced only by long forestry development over perhaps a century."
Extensive deforestation due to clear-felling resulted in a situation which could "be replaced only by long forestry development over perhaps a century."
Offsetting these gains were 700 km2 of reserves which were made available for forestry development.
It is a semi-state company and it is responsible for forestry development.
You can clearly see that this was a site of genuine economic activity with people who lived from forestry development.
There must be no further delay in adopting effective public policies aimed at strengthening prevention, reforestation, and forestry development.