In 1990, members of the Nation of Islam formed the security company, with headquarters in Washington.
The battalions consolidated on 17 March 1896 to form the 1st Regiment of Infantry with headquarters at Baton Rouge.
It was formed in 1751 with headquarters in Stari Bečej, and existed for almost one century (until 1848).
An alliance was soon formed between Eden and Guy Mollet, French Prime Minister, with headquarters based in London.
The Group was formed on 1 September 1937 with headquarters at RAF Mildenhall.
In 1990, members of the Nation formed the N.O.I. Security Agency, with headquarters in Washington.
Under the joint venture agreement, a new asset management company will be formed with headquarters in Hong Kong.
It was formed in 1988, with headquarters in Austin, Tex.
Haro Designs, the first name of the company, was formed in 1980 with headquarters in Torrance, California.
Though they lived in separate homes and apartments, they formed a definite colony of their own, with headquarters at the mansion of Count Jernimo Darraga.