Still, the team's disparate fortunes may have given Mets fans more reason to root for their team.
And fortune has given us a leader who will defend that freedom.
It was the same with the men of the 101/, except that the fortunes of war had given them most of their equipment.
When fortune gives good gifts, she generally does so with a lavish hand.
De la Rive's birth and fortune gave him considerable social and political influence.
It didn't matter, his unexpected good fortune had given him a new boldness and more interesting things to think about.
Only the greatest good fortune had given him forewarning of this new betrayal she planned.
She had been a very pretty woman and would probably never lose the authority this good fortune had given her when she was younger.
So let us take the gifts that fortune gives us and be thankful.
As weak and foolish as the Americans are, fortune has given them things which we lack.