Still, he said, "it doesn't make sense to commit to future increases before an increase is actually necessary."
But not all officials are confident of the voters' mood as they seek future increases.
"I don't expect so much of a future increase in nonperforming loans."
It would permanently lower the base for future increases, saving more than $11 billion over five years.
So because the Fed is already tight, future increases should not have to be big.
The increase in tax collection has run most of its course, and future increases will be less spectacular, economists say.
A future increase was to be determined after the election.
The plan does not reduce the amount of money the hospitals receive now, but cuts back on expected future increases.
The pressure will in future increase, not decrease, to keep the accounts clean and transparent.
That would give the players their share of any future increase, and share whatever risk hard times might produce.