Black gravely weakens his kingside in an attempt to gain material, but White can win by falling into Black's "trap".
If a player who is offered a gambit captures the piece (and thus gains material) the gambit is said to be accepted.
White can now gain material with 5.
The attacker usually aims to gain material by capturing one of the opponent's pieces.
She indicates that the reason he visited her was to gain new material for his stories.
Wagner made numerous addresses and gained material for his book My Impressions of America (1906).
This willingness to return gained material is the first principle of defence.
The core grows hotter and denser as it gains material from fusion of hydrogen at the base of the envelope.
Checketts is like the chess player who has gained great position and superior material but at the moment of truth needs a brilliant move.
James visited Millbank on 12 December 1884 to gain material.