Their honeymoon was a geological tour lasting a year, including visits to famous geologists and geological locations across Europe.
Damage to the city of Cornwall, Ontario, was heavier due to a denser population and its geological location; many structures' foundations were built on sand.
The Wren's Nest is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), considered to be one of the most notable geological locations in the British Isles.
Cold waves generally are capable of occurring any geological location and are formed by large cool air masses that accumulate over certain regions, caused by movements of air streams.
One even orders the elements according to their geological location and properties.
Wissler also helped introduce statistics with the Pearson Correlation Coefficient Formula which could be used to compare different artifacts in relations to their geological location.
Benefited from geological location, SCAU has been actively building international academic exchanges and co-operations with other academic organizations in the world.
Given its geological location, it is susceptible to swell year round from large low pressure systems that form between Antarctica and the southern tip of Africa.
- Industrial minerals and metal ores can only be extracted from their naturally occurring geological locations.
The amounts of these isotopes vary in different geological locations.