In addition to millions to be invested by the city and county, millions of dollars in grants earmarked for HART were returned by Anderson.
As a result of numerous grants earmarked for new works, many premieres are being performed by North American orchestras.
Block grants or even sector-specific grants are preferable, from the point of view of local authority freedom of action, to grants earmarked for specific projects.
Some countries, among them South Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Ghana, have supplemented conventional state funding for universities with competitive grants earmarked for research.
All of the federal grants earmarked for these projects, which had amounted to just over $2 billion, was diverted to fund other transportation programs.
The part of the grant earmarked for music (the Kitchen also presents dance and performance art) was eliminated entirely (it was $8,000 last year).
In early 2005, the village received $417,000 in a federal grant earmarked for the station's design, which covers about 80 percent of design costs for the station.
Critics like Mr. O'Neill rightly want to see more grants, instead of loans, earmarked for the poorest countries, and not necessarily for their governments.
They can consolidate federal grants earmarked for specific purposes.
The grant, earmarked for "election education", was used to promote voter education about the constitutional recall process.