But even with beefed-up security, I was facing real difficulties, and without it, a much greater probability of being dead.
And there is the greater probability of our bringing the matter to a speedy close; in fact, it's on the paper now.
Next to the theater is the agora, built in all great probability during the imperial period.
A greater probability would be that they are bluffing, to take advantage of the situation.
And, upon my word, they have an air of great probability.
The closer one is to a second language group, either socially or psychologically, the greater the probability of adequate learning.
The origin of the work may be referred with great probability to the 12th century.
First, the more hours worked, the greater statistical probability of being victimized.
After they had developed these necessary skills, they would have a greater probability of survival.
Early treatment (within 3 days after the onset) is necessary for benefit with a 14% greater probability of recovery.