However, if the treasury grows dangerously, additional taxes may be collected if there is a garrisoned fort nearby.
In recent years, though, some experts have warned that the military is growing dangerously out of touch with society's values.
At a time when the earth's fish population is growing dangerously depleted, you begin to wonder about hooking trout on feathered lures.
The changes are aimed at reducing the police corruption that grew dangerously in the 1970's, when Mexico faced several small guerrilla insurgencies.
His voice was growing dangerously clipped.
Meanwhile, Mrs. S., an immigrant from the Dominican Republic, was struggling to keep her husband's liquor store open and growing dangerously depressed.
Yet inside, where she guarded the walls of her spirit's fortress, she knew she was growing dangerously detached.
Trip glanced again at the pilot's console, where the blip that represented Valdore's doggedly pursuing ship was growing dangerously close to its quarry.
But leaving the abscess undrained is also risky - it is growing dangerously close to a big blood vessel in the chest.
The scope of spending on weaponry is growing dangerously, having reached almost EUR 40 billion last year.