In July, when the city was suffering under withering heat spells, New Yorkers used 1.4 billion gallons a day.
Sixteen deaths from the scorching heat spell have been reported from the most populous province of Punjab.
Ginny didn't cast any heat spell, and somehow I knew it wouldn't have been right.
Stressed plants and heat spells make a difficult combination for bug survival even though some insects seem to thrive.
"Another real hard heat spell would complicate things."
The conditions caused $1 billion in overall damage, there were no deaths attributed to the drought and associated heat spells.
"Perhaps I can make a heat spell for this night," Parry said.
"I have a strong feeling it's going to be a constant heat spell," she said.
Long heat spells have destroyed the shrimp in local waters.
As the heat spell continued, the exercise of watering became academic.