To help property-poor districts, states took a bigger role in paying for schools.
The foundation aid is intended to help districts whose tax bases and income levels do not provide adequate financing for schools.
Consequently, state aid that might help districts with urgent needs goes to districts that already have impressive facilities, equipment and resources.
One of many very important canals which helps other districts of the state Punjab passes from north of the village.
The Regents have not mounted a comprehensive, consistent effort to help failing districts.
But state lawmakers often treat them as "residents" of their prisons when drawing legislative maps, to help underpopulated districts raise their numbers.
A major question is: does the plan to help poorer districts also have to harm richer ones?
Then I voted no." In most cases, the new approach will help poorer districts by guaranteeing that all districts receive $4,200 a student.
Texas legislators have been debating redistribution of taxes to help poor districts for 26 years.
"Our success should help other districts to avoid potentially dangerous situations involving the return of certain students to school."