In 1940, the Law Building was renamed in honor if its creator, and was hereafter called Altgeld Hall.
The topmost screen (hereafter called the bonus screen) merely shows some clouds and a blimp.
The rest of the trophoblasts, surrounding the inner cell mass, are hereafter called cytotrophoblasts.
In it he admonished his children to 'kepe themselfes worthye of so moche honour as to be called hereafter to dye for there maister and countrey' (PRO, PROB 11/30, fol.
Primary organisms on planet hereafter called "Earth" are bipedal hydrocarbon compounds which concert electrochemical energy into mechanical force by hinged calcium compound levers.
Invasive cancers of the corpus uteri and other uterus not otherwise specified (hereafter called corpus uteri) are identified as C540-C549 and C559.
Giants: Citizen Kabuto (hereafter called Giants) is a third-person shooter video game with real-time strategy elements.
We show here that ex vivo GIFT15 treatment of mouse splenocytes generates suppressive regulatory cells of B cell ontogeny (hereafter called GIFT15 Breg cells).
The main westbound waterway is hereafter called the Lek River.
The graben and fractures around Alba Mons (hereafter simply called faults unless otherwise indicated) occur in swarms that go by different names depending on their location with respect to Alba's center.