The case seemed just another example of how high-technology companies are victimized by frivolous litigation.
Many are high-technology companies attracted to the British market, which is the most advanced in Europe, and others are in activities like warehousing and freight, mail-order shopping, financial services, tourism, cosmetics and insurance.
The more difficult problem has to do with the large number of small, high-technology companies whose research and products are of great importance to the defense industry, even though the work is not classified.
To revive flagging earnings, the $9 billion conglomerate is trying to act like a small, high-technology start-up company, favoring teamwork and spontaneity over hierarchy and convention.
Many companies you describe are high-technology companies - AT&T, I.B.M. and Digital.
Nasdaq winners tended to be high-technology companies; 6 of the top 10 had something to do with computers.
Although Route 1 does not yet pose a threat to Silicon Valley, more high-technology companies are settling in.
Indeed, even high-technology companies have not managed to immunize themselves from traditional inventory bloat.
The winners are high-technology companies that pay more because of higher skills that add greater value to the end product.
Of the top 10 stocks in the Nasdaq index, all were high-technology companies, led by Intel, the semiconductor maker, which rose 3 1/4, to 65.