In Kosovo there are more than 25 hiking clubs organizing different hiking events.
There are also hiking clubs that cater to singles, offering novice-level hikes followed by dinner.
From the 19th century onwards, old ridgeways which had not been converted into highways were often revived by hiking clubs or tourism authorities, marked out as scenic trails for walking, horse-riding or mountain biking far from the disturbances of motor traffic.
I was lucky enough to discover mountain hiking clubs in my late 40's.
Driveways to the south lead to private camps that have housed various area hiking clubs since the 1920s.
They are members of the Trail Conference, an umbrella group of about 90 outdoor and hiking clubs that represents over 100,000 hiking enthusiasts in the New York metropolitan area.
Most of the area's dozens of hiking clubs simply put on snowshoes in winter.
Enrichment activities have included cultural clubs, dance and theater, funding and service committees, outdoor, environmental, and hiking clubs, pep clubs, and clubs based on sports such as martial arts and synchronized swimming.
Are there any Italian hiking clubs that could supply trail maps?
Welch suggested that Torrey use his influential column to help organize New York metropolitan area hiking clubs into a volunteer trail-building confederation; this led to the creation of the Palisades Interstate Park Trail Conference, a precursor of the NY/NJTC.