It has few services, but has a 30-minute hiking trail to an old homestead site.
The Washburn cemetery, near the homestead site, still exists today.
Unfortunately, their homestead site has not been preserved, having been developed in the 1980s.
Most of Addams' grist mill has long since disappeared but there are some remains on the homestead site.
The homestead site was as good as Clovis Reed had promised.
Prior to the dam being built in 1941, an excavation was performed at the homestead site.
William, his brother, and a cousin liked the area so much they set up homestead sites.
When not showing rural Alaskans their most modern metropolis, he can be found - but only with difficulty - on his homestead site.
At the homestead site they were set up in military prefabs.
"Farmers who pick their homestead site intelligently, on the other hand, are probably going to be very happy people in Saudade."