It is a popular tourist site with volunteer guides offering hourly tours of the precinct and to the top of the tower with information on the site's history.
Wheatland is open to the public Monday-Saturday from April to October, and only Friday and Saturday in November, with tours available hourly.
The last hourly tour begins at 4pm.
On winter weekends, it is open for hourly tours from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. (admission $8, 413-637-3206).
There are 29 meeting rooms and the 1,000 seat Grand Temple, which with the Library and Museum are open to the public with hourly guided tours.
With 90,000 visitors to the estate each year, the National Park Service has developed hourly tours conducted by well-trained guides.
Spring Mountain, previously a vineyard with no tasting rooms, subsequently opened to the public, with hourly tours devoted to television trivia.
There are hourly tours for drop-ins.
Aggie undergraduates lead hourly tours from the first-floor Aggieland Visitor Center in Rudder Tower (979-845-5851,
Among the events on the agenda are ghost tours, scavenger hunts, live performances and hourly tours on various topics.