The tiny house was overflowing with people, all of whom were murmuring to each other and looking sad.
The house overflows on weekends, however, and the wait for a table can be 30 minutes.
The house was overflowing with unused clothes and collectibles.
Krokinos' house was overflowing with women to the doors.
Last night, his parents' shades were drawn, but the house overflowed with friends and relatives offering support.
Within a year our old house was overflowing with Nick's treasures, and he was still collecting.
On the other hand, the house is overflowing with colorful characters.
As might be expected, their house was overflowing with books, which he, like his parents, devoured.
The house is overflowing with the ghosts of children past.
Soon the house was overflowing with other young boys that needed a safe place to spend time.