We have since found other, admittedly more expensive, sources for fresh peanuts in Chinatown, but we still shop Hunts Point.
Few neighborhoods have had as much scarring as Hunts Point.
Ever since the early 1960's, when drunks could be seen passed out on benches near Hunts Point Avenue, people have been telling her to move.
The nearest food banks to Westchester are in Albany and Hunts Point.
Compared to a decade ago, Hunts Point has bounced back, with more housing and less crime.
Utter the name Hunts Point, residents say, and most people who do not know better think grit and grime and crime.
According to the Regional Plan Association, Hunts Point requires nearly 80 truck trips per day, and each rail car could replace about three of them.
At 760 Hunts Point we had the yard and the front, too.
Certainly by all appearances, there is a division in the district between these two ends of Throgs Neck and Hunts Point.
He has realized commissions for both Artists in the Gardens and Hunts Point.