Even if the number of real cowboys is declining as farm prices fall, the image endures.
The image of a Gaelic people, whose destiny it was to live under a king of Ireland, endured.
As for sheer sensation, only one image will deservingly endure: the dueling bronze figures and their contested space.
Rathar wondered how long the outsized image would endure in the reign of Swemmel's successor.
Similar evaluations elsewhere have led to institutional embarrassment, while the image of well-supported achievers has endured at Connecticut.
In America's most treasured sitcoms, certain images endure.
Thanks to the movies, the image of the cowboy endured at least a century longer than the cowboys themselves.
An image endures of how that authority has been exercised.
The images of rice fields and hamlets perched on the hills will be enduring.
Who knows what makes some images endure while others slip through our consciousness quicker than 50 bucks in the gas tank.