Failing to gain a fall could still result in an advantage in riding time and potential nearfall points.
Langenbrunner scored his first goal on a power play, early in a five-on-three advantage.
In Rise of Nations, the final four technologies result in such an advantage that the game will likely end quickly.
This secret contract resulted in a competitive advantage over Duke's competitors; he was able to lower his prices further than others could.
The Russians enjoyed a 45-21 edge in shots and also an artistic advantage.
"If the debate turns a little more on content, then obviously Gore is in an advantage here."
This does not result in a significant advantage over a good interpreter.
This difference alone might have been expected to result in an advantage of 0.2 percentage point for the active funds.
This would put the Allies in a strategic advantage to invade Germany and quickly end the war.
Abolishing all tariffs will result in a comparative advantage, thus benefit both parties.