Starter choices include the sea food casserole, which changes daily, and cold poached salmon.
At 8.30 you'll take your places for a three-course meal which will include Smoked salmon.
The dinner menu includes pasta and salmon, in the $10 to $13 range.
Other good sources include sardines and canned salmon (eaten with the bones).
The menu, best described as new American regional, includes salmon, lamb and steak; the fish was excellent.
Other types of caviar to consider, at lower prices, include salmon, trout and whitefish.
The elegant chow, which no doubt brought back happy whale memories, included salmon.
For example, we might have a meal that includes salmon, rice, and broccoli.
Good food sources of vitamin A include fish oil, salmon, carrots, spinach, and broccoli.
The most popular fish include salmon and cod.