Misunderstanding God's reality leads to incorrect choices, which are termed evil.
Large areas of background were also sometimes included due to incorrect choices of threshold.
For example, an incorrect choice of a crack could leave the climber stranded in a very precarious position.
The losers must promise to remain single for the rest of their lives, not to reveal to anyone their incorrect choice, and to leave immediately.
Opening first on Broadway was a morally and it turns out, even economically incorrect choice for "Angels."
It has been wrong twice since 1948, including its incorrect choice of Hillary Clinton in 2008.
After the question was read, four choices appeared and incorrect choices slowly disappeared.
If the incorrect choice is made, the player takes health damage (described below).
The discussion below shows this viewpoint stems from an incorrect choice of surface over which to calculate the flux.
This increased the game's difficulty considerably in comparison to other text adventure games where there were fewer incorrect choices.