The commission found an April episode of the show violated the indecency rules through a series of sexually suggestive and explicit scenes.
He also promised to consider relaxing the tough indecency rules restricting television and radio broadcasters.
Rather, they said, the decision was held up because the commission was still analyzing a recent Federal court decision on indecency rules.
The New Year arrives with yet another satisfying rebuke to the Federal Communications Commission's indecency rules.
However, a recent ruling by a federal appeals court successfully granted a "temporary halt" to the FCC's enforcement of its indecency rules.
Now, he is being harshly criticized for significantly expanding the indecency rules.
They say that judges will ultimately strike down either the indecency rules or the commission's application of them.
Neither cable TV nor satellite programming faces the same indecency rules even though they cover about 85 percent of homes.
It comes on the heels of efforts by the agency to penalize radio and television stations for violating the indecency rule.
Benchmark found the forfeiture excessive, and argued that it had maintained a history of compliance with the indecency rules.