On the background of these modern configurations, which took their form around 1800, individual subjectivity was constructed, as well as the dynamic of industrial life developed.
When psychologists study them specifically, they tend to observe them in a social, family or work context which loses sight of their individual subjectivities.
But associative feminist initiatives also achieve some highly cautious, undramatic discursive shifts, which do not reduce social relations to side-effects of individual subjectivities.
The term "discourse" is used as a cover-all term for political studies of individual subjectivity that draw on feminism, Marxism, post-structuralism and psychoanalysis.
Human error, individual subjectivity and decisions to "determine the voters' intent" would replace precision machinery in tabulating millions of small marks and fragile hole punches.
The particular contents of the habitus are the result of the objectification of social structure at the level of individual subjectivity.
Habitus explains the mutually penetrating realities of individual subjectivity and societal objectivity after the function of social construction.
These groupings derive from how in civil society individual subjectivities are constituted, of gender, race, generation, locality and nationality.
As its title suggests, Diasporic Mediations is most closely associated with the relationship between geographical and cultural location and individual and collective subjectivity.
"Human error and individual subjectivity would replace precision machinery in tabulating millions of small marks and fragile hole punches."