This area contains additional information in regards to the Office of Inspector General.
Much information in regards to Electro-Dynamic Company (and its origins) has not been made altogether clear.
Below is very valuable information on legal changes that have been made in regards to juvenile delinquents and juvenile delinquency.
Drug abuse and dependence - provides information regarding whether prolonged use of the medication can cause physical dependence (only included if applicable)
The only information he could find pertaining to human anatomy regarded external appearance.
After reading through the diary, he discovers no new information in regards to Pat's gender, and finally snaps.
Every Friday, articles, videos, etc., are published with new content and information regarded these topics.
"Say that the information regarded a space station, that your ship might now be headed for," Vaughn said, looking down at the ark again.
Whalers were the most knowledgeable about the animals, but their information was regarding migration routes and outer anatomy, and only little information of behavior.
Little is known about this unit, since informations regarding it are classified by the Ministry of National Defense.