The hope is that the charges will spur membership, something other cultural institutions have experienced after initiating charges, Ms. Zuk said.
Neumann traps Sarah Goodman, an insecure graduate student trying to find her place at Yale, into initiating formal charges of sexual harassment against Hopfgartner.
During its last months in power, Tandja's government had initiated legal charges against the main opposition leaders, forcing them to live in exile.
FDA may take additional enforcement steps, such as issuing warning letters or initiating seizures, injunctions, or criminal charges.
Evidence of relapses will not be used to initiate criminal charges, officials said.
The vote came two weeks after board members decided in a closed-door meeting to initiate charges against Mr. Possner.
If the C.B.O.E.'s Business Conduct Committee had initiated charges, those charged would have been given an opportunity to defend their trades.
In the FBI report, Attorney Mark Bartlett said, "We did not find facts that would justify initiating federal criminal charges."
However, Cook later began to institute some unusual sexual practices into the group, which led the members to depose him from the leadership and initiate criminal charges against him.
The commanders receive the agents' reports, and mete out disciplinary action or initiate criminal charges based on that information and subsequent inquiries.