"We are emerging as a new corporate profession, one that can integrate technology, physical assets and strategy," said Michael A. Bell, Dun & Bradstreet's director of corporate real estate.
In 2010, largely because of changes made by Crawford to Air Liquide's global R&D operations, the global management consulting firm A.T. Kearney and the French economic newspaper Les Échos presented Air Liquide with their Best Innovator award, which recognizes companies that integrate strategy, organization, culture and performance into their innovation process.
Because of his primary role in planning Allied operations throughout World War II, he was credited with having more experience integrating strategy with overseas operations than any other Army officer.
Integrating intervention theory and strategy in culture-sensitive health promotion programs, imifap.org.
According to its website, LPK specializes in "Building Leadership Brands" by integrating strategy, design and innovation.
To address legislative or regulatory challenges specific to an industry or organization, Fagen and her team integrate strategy, research, media, micro-targeting, and digital solutions to address advocacy issues.
In other sectors, the regulatory barriers were lower, allowing an earlier flowering of innovative, integrating strategy.
DeGraff collaborated with Quinn and Kim Cameron and applied the Competing Values Framework model to business innovation and value creation as a methodology that integrates strategy, finance, innovation development, and human resource management disciplines.
Her consulting projects have centered around areas such as creating partnerships between public and private organizations, education reform, the transformation and revitalization of bureaucratic systems, and planning processes to integrate corporate strategy, structures, and human resources.
Consequently, the EU should not only broaden the scope of the political dialogue by adding more partners, but should also complement it by integrating social and economic strategy as a priority.