His interest in preserving the environment dovetailed with his advocacy of the recreation and tourism industries.
Throughout the interwar years, French interest in anthropology often dovetailed with wider cultural movements such as surrealism and primitivism, which drew on ethnography for inspiration.
It just happens that Israel's interests dovetail here with the USA's (as is often the case).
Nymphenburg's interest in such designers dovetails nicely with a new generation discovering the handmade.
Omega Prime's interests and those of the Empire dovetailed nicely.
But today there was every indication that the two nations' interests dovetailed.
Their skills and interests dovetail nicely.
But the publisher's commercial interest also dovetails with the Kerry campaign's goal of dispatching him to the places where he is most popular, Kerry aides say.
Here, the players' interests dovetailed with the interests of the fans and the owners.
Powell's interest in making a propaganda film set in Canada to aid the British war effort dovetailed with some of Pressburger's work.