He is married to Twyla Betha and leads an international ministry while still making occasional musical guest appearances.
Mrs. Witherall received a bachelor's in international ministries two years ago.
She has a valid international ministry and an apostolic mandate to reach the world.
The church has a ministry to the local community, as well as an international ministry reaching out globally to the unsaved across the world.
The first international ministry established by the Grey Sisters was founded in China in 1929.
The international ministry of Project Mercy was started to provide emergency relief and relocation assistance to Ethiopian refugees.
It will house a satellite uplink facility, which it will use to launch a new international ministry.
Watchmen on the Walls is an international evangelical ministry based in Riga, Latvia.
This international ministry includes meetings in urban areas, at camp sites, beaches, residential and anywhere people can be found.
Much of the money went to arranging for the crusades, broadcasting them on radio and television, publishing the organization's magazine, Decision, and financing international ministries.