Though music therapy practice employs a large number of intervention techniques, the most commonly used are improvisation, sing-alongs, and lyric analysis.
Recent trends by NIDA has been to help deploy these intervention techniques.
In the next few years, a variety of exciting intervention techniques will be tested in EDs and urgent care clinics.
Dance is a therapeutic intervention technique for motor dysfunctions.
The fluidmechanical properties of water are the basis for the intervention techniques.
Consultation is an important part of a school psychologist's career because it allows school psychologists to reach more children than using direct intervention techniques.
Due to the large rigup, it is only used for the most demanding of operations when lighter intervention techniques do not offer the strength and durability.
The PECS program serves as another common intervention technique used to mainstream individuals with autism.
The program used intervention techniques to attempt to place the youth on a more productive life path.
A change agent's main strength is a comprehensive knowledge of human behavior, supported by a number of intervention techniques (to be discussed later).