Typically, these involve high-net-worth clients with substantial assets in their retirement accounts.
Roughly 45 have involved clients who were harmed by unconscientious trainers.
Now that I thought about it, several of his japes so far had involved nude male clients as well as females.
Separately, investment firms not already involved called potential clients, trying to "find a horse to ride," as one banker put it.
Professional, or "live," assignments involve real clients and deadlines.
Designit's employees work in multidisciplinary teams, involving clients and users in the entire design process.
But in criminal cases involving dead clients, the privilege was considered absolute in virtually all circumstances, sometimes leading to harsh consequences.
It involves clients and a server operating in a client-server model.
Ms. Melisi, one of several women with police backgrounds interviewed, said most of her private guarding jobs have involved female clients.
"He could have made a lot more money in cases that don't involve clients that are often hated and despised," she said.